© memoryofpaper.eu/BernsteinPortal

ERC ‘Conservation Achievement Award’ presentation to Emanuel Wenger

Congratulations to Emanuel Wenger, the first recipient of ERC “Conservation Achievement Award”! DI Emanuel Wenger is honoured with the award for his decades of building up and maintaining the Bernstein Portal for identification of watermarks.
Online award presentation will be followed by a public lecture “Memoryofpaper – a portal to watermark databases” by Emanuel Wenger on 27th April 2021, 13:00 CET (Vienna).

Please join via the link (no registration required): https://donau-uni.zoom.us/j/61010795272?pwd=MDVqazBkOGZBMVBZNlArTlNEdGFFUT09
Meeting-ID: 610 1079 5272
Passcode: 028832