Category: Archiv

14th ASEM Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy
Join the 14th ASEM Workshop on Advanced Electron Microscopy on April 4–5, 2024, at the Medical University of Graz, featuring a special presentation on heritage science
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Conference “Interdisciplinary Ceramic Research in the Peloponnese – Technological Traditions through the Ages”
Join via Zoom, 4-5 April: organized by ÖAI and University of Graz, this international conference will ignite cross-regional dialogue on ceramics in the Peloponnese
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Project presentation: ABC – Ancient Book Crafts
Join the presentation of “ABC – Ancient Book Crafts” project on 8th April at Universität Wien
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The project HallMetals: Analysing Iron Age period gold and copper-based objects from Hallstatt
VIAS-HEAS member Mathias Mehofer has been awarded a standalone EU-H2020-IPERION project titled “Hallmetals-Archaeometallurgical analyses on metals from the Iron Age cemetery of Hallstatt, Austria”
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Virtual HSA Café on December 12!
The next HSA Café will take place on line on December 12 at 4 PM (CET). The event has been organised by the Early Career Researchers Group of the Austrian Archaeological Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Mehr lesenPublication Project Pheletypia
Wonderful news from PHELETYPIA project (PI Valentina Ljubic Tobisch): an article titled “Die chemische Wirkung des Lichtsund die frühe Kunst der Fotografie” has been published in November issue of Nachrichten aus der Chemie
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Electrochemical Conservation Training School
Electrochemical Conservation Training School is organized by Valentina Ljubić Tobisch within PHELETYPIA project and will take place on 25-29 September 2023
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